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Shoes for Harriette, an enslaved woman at Georgetown College, May 10, 1824 .pdf
On this account record from 1824, Mrs. Margaret Fenwick was charged for 4 pairs of shoes for her slave Harriette. She was also credited for Harriette's monthly wages at the College.Georgetown hired Harriette from Mrs. Fenwick from 1824 to 1826.Upon…

Rev. John McElroy comments on the instruction of black students at Trinity Church in Georgetown in 1819.

Sarah Certificate of Freedom .pdf
In 1810, the courts at Baltimore County certified the freedom of a woman named Sarah, who had previously been enslaved by the Rev. William Pasquet.

Her certificate of freedom describes her as 37 years old, with a yellow complexion, and five feet…

In 1810, the courts at Baltimore County certified the freedom of a woman named Sarah, who had previously been enslaved by the Rev. William Pasquet.

Her certificate of freedom describes her as 37 years old, with a yellow complexion, and five feet…

A runaway slave advertisement for Isaac, who had run away from Georgetown College. The ad was published in the Daily National Intelligencer on February 1, 1814. John McElroy, who posted the ad, was a Jesuit priest and Clerk of Georgetown.

The unifying themes of this podcast are memorialization and reconciliation. In this podcast, Georgetown University and American Studies 272 student Kelly Skeen (GU '18) discusses how Georgetown University has memorialized its historic ties to the…

The unifying themes of this podcast are memorialization and reconciliation. In this podcast, Georgetown University and American Studies 272 student Kelly Skeen (GU '18) discusses how Georgetown University has memorialized its historic ties to the…

In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…

In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…

In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…
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