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  • Collection: Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation

In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…

In this podcast conducted in the format of a Radio Show, Georgetown students Juliette Browne (GU '18) and Ndeye Ndiaye (GU '18), address the impact of slavery on the legacy of education inequality and college preparedness in black communities. The…

The unifying themes of this podcast are memorialization and reconciliation. In this podcast, Georgetown University and American Studies 272 student Kelly Skeen (GU '18) discusses how Georgetown University has memorialized its historic ties to the…

This short film was produced by Georgetown College students Jeanne Bowers, Charlotte Jackson, Keeho Kang, and Meghan Shapiro in FMST-399: Social Justice Documentary, taught by Professor Bernard Cook in the Spring 2019 semester. The short film…

This short film was produced by Georgetown College students Jeanne Bowers, Charlotte Jackson, Keeho Kang, and Meghan Shapiro in FMST-399: Social Justice Documentary, taught by Professor Bernard Cook in the Spring 2019 semester. The short film…

In this short documentary film, students in Professor Adam Rothman's AMST 272 Facing Georgetown's History and Professor Bernie Cook's FMST 399 Social Justice Documentary reflect on a trip they took to Louisiana in March 2018 to meet with members of…

Georgetown Film Studies students explore the parallels between a Jesuit’s unanswered plea and a University’s reconnection with the descendants of slaves it owned, sold, and spurned. With the call for accountability in Father Van de Velde, S.J.’s 1848…
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